Ebola, ebola virus disease, fact sheet created date. In questultimo lautore inserisce una variante piu aggressiva del virus ebola denominato shiva creato artificialmente in laboratorio ed in grado di diffondersi per via aerea. There is no vaccine injection that prevents the illness or cure available for ebola. Pdf ebola surveillance guinea, liberia, and sierra leone. Respuesta internacional e informacion cientifica constante. Il virus ebola o virus di ebola ebov, in precedenza denominato zaire ebolavirus, e lunico ceppo della specie zaire ebolavirus, una delle cinque specie del genere ebolavirus, che a sua volta fa parte della famiglia filoviridae dellordine dei mononegavirales, virus a rna a singolo filamento negativo ssrna. A virus is a tiny germ that you cannot see with the naked eye. Ebola virus disease in west africathe first 9 months of the epidemic and forward projections.
Ebola virus disease has a fatality rate of 50% to 90%. Aug 23, 2018 please use one of the following formats to cite this article in your essay, paper or report. A doenca por virus ebola dve, tambem denominada no brasil por doenca por virus ebola. Ebola is a serious illness that is caused by a virus. The ebola virus causes an acute illness, which is often fatal. Ebola virus disease in west africa clinical manifestations and management. Fievre hemorra gique a virus ebola fiche technique. Filoviridae, fiebres hemorragicas, fisiopatologia, virus del ebola. Lhote reservoir naturel du virus ebola reste inconnu. The current outbreak in west africa is the largest and the most complex ebola outbreak since the. Infeccao pelo virus ebola dos sintomas ao diagnostico e. Surveillance for ebola virus disease ebola in the west african countries heavily affected by ebola guinea, liberia, and sierra leone faced numerous impediments, including insufficient numbers. Nomenclature and databasecompatible names for the two ebola virus variants that emerged in guinea and the democratic republic of the congo in 2014.
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